Nauru’s financial year runs from 1 July to 30 June.
Nauru operates on a cash basis and appropriations lapse on 30 June each year.
The 2024-25 Budget tabled by Minister for Finance, Hon David Ranibok Adeang was approved by Parliament on 20 August 2024. The period between 1 July 2024 and 20 August 2024 was covered by a Supply Act which authorised expenditure from the Treasury fund for a maximum period of three months. The expenditures made under the authority of the Supply Act will be charged against the full-year appropriation Act.
The 2024-25 Budget recognises expected revenues of $311.3 million and expenditure of $348.7 million. This creates a deficit balance of $37.5 million which is financed through a transfer from cash reserves of $37.6 million equivalent to the larger than forecast fiscal surplus from financial year 2023-24. The net surplus of $150,953 will be used to maintain cash reserves at the bank and support Nauru to manage the uncertainties in the year ahead.
The 2024-25 Budget has been framed to support Nauru’s sustained resilience through responsible economic management, easing cost of living pressures, and investing in service delivery and in productivity enhancing infrastructure. It builds on the strong performance in 2023-2024.
Supplementary appropriation bills will be available through the year.
Quarterly budget performance reports will be available to track expenditure and revenue performance through the year.
Budget documents
Budget Paper No 1
Budget Paper No2
Budget Speech
Appropriation Bill
Development Fund Annual Projection
Supplementary Estimate Appropriation Budget
Supplementary Estimate One 2024-25
Supplementary Estimate Two 2024-25
Supplementary Estimate Three 2024-25
Supplementary Estimate Four 2024-25
Appropriation Bill
Supplementary Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2024-25
Supplementary Appropriation Bill (No.2) 2024-25
Supplementary Appropriation Bill (No3) 2024-25
Supplementary Appropriation Bill (No.4) 2024-25
Budget Appropriation Speech
Supplementary Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2024-25 Speech
Supplementary Appropriation Bill (No.2) 2024-25 Speech
Supplementary Appropriation Bill (No.3) 2024-25 Speech
Supplementary Appropriation Bill (No.4) 2024-25 Speech
Performance reports
There are currently no end of year reports for 2024-25.
Secretary for Finance
Department of Finance
Government Offices
Yaren District